Subnovii Plasma Pen

Introducing Subnovii, a non-invasive treatment that delivers surgical like results.

We are thrilled to offer Advanced Plasma Technology, including unmatched LF+ Technology. Plasma is the exciting new technology to deliver thermal energy to the epidermis and dermis, stimulating fibroblasts to create new collagen. It just might be the only time a pen becomes an eraser – erasing the unwanted signs of skin aging.

Plasma pen may improve:

  • Lines around the lips/mouth
  • Hooded eyes or droopy eyelids (upper and lower)
  • Neck lines
  • Lose or sagging neck skin
  • Jowling – loose skin at the jawline
  • Forehead/brow lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Decollete (chest wrinkles and laxity)
  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scars
  • Blemishes, sunspots, age spots
  • Back of hand spots and skin laxity

Subnovii FAQs

What is Subnovii?

The FDA-cleared Subnovii Plasma device triggers cellular regeneration and skin renewal by using ionized nitrogen gas from the atmosphere to create a stream of low-frequency plasma.

What concerns can Subnovii address?

  • Fine lines around eyes, mouth and forehead
  • Acne scarring
  • Bags under eyes and upper eyelids
  • Sagging jowls

What are the benefits of Subnovii?

  • Boosts production of collagen and elastin/ Tones and tightens the skin
  • Non-surgical/ Expedite healing time
  • Reduces wrinkles, lines and scars

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on the desired results, more than one treatment may be necessary. The majority of patients need one treatment, if a second treatment is needed it can be performed 4 months post.

How does a patient prep for the treatment?

  • No direct sun exposure 4 weeks prior to treatment
  • No self-tanner 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • If patient is prone to cold sores, call in an anti-viral 72 hours prior to treatment
  • Men should have a cleanly shaven face the night before or the morning of the procedure – without visible stubble.
  • Discontinue use of anticoagulants, aspirin 7 days prior to treatment.
  • No Retinols, AHA, Glycolic, or other exfoliants 7 days prior to treatment
  • Confirm that the patient does not meet any of the exclusionary criteria for treatment

What should a patient expect post-treatment?

  • Immediately after the treatment, the Subnovii Recovery Cream and the Recovery Powder will be applied. These products must be used for several days to ensure optimal healing and results. The Subnovii Recovery Cream and the Recovery Powder must be used until the scabs are completely gone.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 90 days post treatment. Whenever in the sun ensure that proper sun protection and SPF is worn.
  • Avoid excessive sweating and extreme workouts for 48 hrs post
  • A sunburn sensation may linger for 12-24 hours after the procedure is completed.
  • Wear SPF 50+ daily. Avoid direct sun exposure for 3 months after treatment.
  • After the scabs are completely gone, wear SPF 50+.
  • Prepare for at least 5-7 days of social downtime.
  • Avoid steam rooms, hot yoga, and saunas until the scabs are completely off.

What other treatments can be combined, same day, with Subnovii?

Virtue + Subnovii = Collagen Combo
Virtue + CoolPeel + Subnovii = Trilogy Treatment
CoolPeel + Subnovii = Vibrance

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